As everyone is feeling the pinch of rising prices on everything and lower wages, it is important to get as much as you can for your money. Many other sites offer information, but few recognize that you may not have the money to stock up on sale items or that you really don't want to feed your family a lot of processed foods if you can help it. This is my journey into making money stretch and still feeling as if you are not being deprived all of the time.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Please help me go to China!!
Please donate towards my going to China with the Scholar Laureate
Program. It is a diplomatic trip but I will be able to spend a lot of
time outside of that learning about different cultures in the country
and making this an experience worthy of my resume. Every little bit
helps, and I have a 750.00 scholarship towards it. The 5000.00 includes
my airfare. Thank you!!! Give
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